Leave a business card from Jesus Christ!
Learn a unique method to witness and spread the good news for Jesus Christ. As a believer in Jesus Christ we are told to spread the Good News and witness to other unbelievers about Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins. This is not always an easy endeavor. Most people these days are hesitant to talk to strangers or just simply don't have the time or understanding to listen to the eternal gift of salvation offered by Jesus Christ. There is another way to reach lost souls with our Savior's message of salvation.
Join the "Cold Call for Christ" campaign!
Cold calling is a business term used by salespeople and is defined as the process of approaching a prospective person who you have never met before and who is not expecting such an interaction with a stranger such as you. The only difference is what you have to offer them is FREE FOR THE ASKING by the blood of Jesus Christ and will not cost them a cent!
Copy the business card above and use it to witness for Jesus Christ!
Just right click on your mouse, select "save picture as", and click enter. Save the busisness card image in a file on your hard drive. You can print the card out later and take a copy to a professional business card printer to have 500 or more made up for around $20.00. Make sure the link on the card is:
It will lead to the salvation message page on this website (Click on the link to see)
wisebeliever.org reaches thousands of people monthly from all over the world and is in it's 19th year of operation.
wisebeliever.org reaches thousands of people monthly from all over the world and is in it's 19th year of operation.
You can just place these little business cards in any conspicuous place and let God choose who will notice them and pick them up!
These Jesus Christ calling cards attract interest and can be placed in phone booths, shopping carts, left in restaurants on your table after a meal. The places are endless. Just take some with you everyday and let the Lord God find the person who needs to be saved by Christ.
The Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. - Matthew 25:23