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John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible.
Numbers 18:1
This chapter gives an account of the distinct work and service of the priests and Levites, Nu 18:1; and of several things given to the priests for their maintenance, Nu 18:8; and of the tithes the Levites should have to live upon, since they were to have no inheritance in the land of Israel, Nu 18:20; and of the tenth out of those tithes they were to give to the high priest, Nu 18:25.
Ver. 1. And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... As the things spoken were such as concerned Aaron, he might be only and immediately spoken unto: thou,
and thy sons, and thy father's house with thee; meaning both priests and Levites, the priests by him and his sons, and the Levites by his father's house:
shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary; the blame of any evil committed there, the punishment of it; the priests, Aaron and his sons, if they did not perform the duty of their office aright, he in the most holy place, and they in the holy place, and at the altar of burnt offering in the court; and the Levites, if they did not take care to watch in the tabernacle, and keep out strangers and polluted persons:
and thou, and thy sons with thee, shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood; be answerable for my sins, errors, and mistakes that should be committed by them in the discharge of their office, through their own remissness, or not taking care that the Levites did their duty; this shows that the office of priesthood, though honourable, was burdensome, and not to be envied; and that the people needed not to be under such terrible apprehensions as they were, lest they should come too near the sanctuary, as to be in danger of death, since it lay upon the priests and Levites especially to take care thereof, and who, if negligent, would suffer.
Numbers 18:2
Ver. 2. And to thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father,.... For his father Amram was of that tribe, and so the Levites were his brethren, as he is directed to consider them; which might serve to conciliate their minds, and make them easy with respect to his enjoyment of the priesthood:
bring them with thee; into the court of the tabernacle, for further they might not go:
that they maybe joined unto thee: as their name of Levites signifies, persons joined and united to others, as they were to the priests: see reason of their patriarch's name Levi in Ge 29:34;
and minister unto thee: be assisting to the priests in killing the sacrifices, receiving the blood, and flaying the beasts, and in other things about the sanctuary, Nu 3:6;
but thou, and thy sons with thee, [shall minister] before the tabernacle of witness; which was the most holy place, where were the ark of the testimony or witness, and the tables of the covenant; and they might be said to minister before that, when they ministered in the holy place, which was before it, when they burned incense upon the altar of incense, ordered the shewbread, and trimmed the lamps of the candlestick, which none but the priests the sons of Aaron might do.
Numbers 18:3
Ver. 3. And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle,.... That is, the Levites, whatever Aaron and his sons, the priests, should charge them to do, or commit to their care and charge, that they should observe; as to watch and keep out all unfit persons, to take down and set up the tabernacle when needful, &c.;
only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary; as the ark and mercy seat in the holy of holies, the shewbread table, and candlestick in the holy place; wherefore when these were removed from place to place in journeying, they were covered, that they might not touch them as they carried them:
and the altar; both of incense and burnt offering, on neither of which might they offer:
that neither they nor you also die: the priests for suffering them to meddle with things that did not belong to them, and the Levites for intruding themselves.
Numbers 18:4
Ver. 4. And they shall be joined unto thee,.... As assistants in the sacred service:
and keep the charge of tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the tabernacle; See Gill on "Nu 3:7" and
See Gill on "Nu 3:8";
and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you; not any of the other tribes, only such as were of the tribe of Levi; they only were to be brought with them, and joined unto them, and assist them, and minister to them, as in Nu 18:2; though the Jews {h} understand by a stranger anyone that was not a priest.
{h} Maimon. in Misn. Zebachim, c. 2. sect. 1.
Numbers 18:5
Ver. 5. And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary,.... That is, the priests, Aaron and his sons; the high priest was to keep the charge of the most holy place particularly, and do what was to be done in that on the day of atonement; and the common priests to keep the charge of the holy place, and do everything relating to the altar of incense, the shewbread table, and candlestick:
and the charge of the altar; of burnt offering, which stood in the court of the tabernacle:
that there be no wrath any more upon the children of Israel: as had been upon Korah and his company, Nu 16:32, and as afterwards came on Uzziah, 2Ch 26:19.
Numbers 18:6
Ver. 6. And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites, from among the children of Israel,.... See Gill on "Nu 3:12"; where the same is said, only they, are here called the brethren of the priests for the reason given, Nu 18:2;
to you [they are] given [as] a gift for the Lord, to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; See Gill on "Nu 3:7",
See Gill on "Nu 3:8", and
See Gill on "Nu 3:9".
Numbers 18:7
Ver. 7. Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's office,.... Observe all the duties of it, and keep out others from intruding into it:
for everything of the altar: both of incense and of burnt offering with respect to burning incense on the one, and offering sacrifices on the other; both were to be done by priests, and by no other:
and within the vail; in the most holy place, where the high priest entered but once a year, and he only with incense, and the blood of sacrifices, see Heb 9:7;
and ye shall serve; do all the business that is to be done at either altar, whether in the court, or in the holy place, and whatsoever is to be done in the most holy place within the vail:
I have given your priest's office [unto you] as a service of gift; it was not what they had taken to themselves of their own will, or had thrust themselves into, but what the Lord had called them to, and had freely invested them with, see Heb 5:4;
and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death; any common person, as the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan; any Israelite, one that is a stranger from the priests, though a Levite, as Aben Ezra; such an one might not come either to the altar of burnt offering to offer any sacrifice upon it, or the altar of incense, to burn incense on that, or trim the lamps, or put the shewbread in order, or to do anything peculiar to the priest's office.
Numbers 18:8
Ver. 8. And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... Having pointed out to him the duty of his office, he now informs him of the perquisites of it; or having told him what was his work, now what his wages, or what was his service, and now his maintenance:
behold, I also have given thee the charge of my heave offerings, of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; such as the heave shoulder and wave breast, and firstfruits, and all other holy things in general, such as were the most holy things; as in Nu 18:9; and the lighter holy things, as the Jews call them, Nu 18:11; the charge of these was given to keep for themselves, and for their families:
unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing: because of his office as a priest, to which he was consecrated by anointing:
and to thy sons by an ordinance for ever; see Le 7:34.
Numbers 18:9
Ver. 9. This shall be thine of the most holy things,.... For, as observed, there were some lighter and lesser holy things or sacrifices, and others superlatively so: and those are begun with, such as were
[reserved] from the fire; those parts of sacrifices which were not burnt with fire on the altar of burnt offerings:
every oblation of theirs; which is a general word, including various offerings, the particulars follow;
every meat offering of theirs: or bread offering, for they were made of fine flour and oil, and burnt on the altar, the remainder of which was eaten by Aaron and his sons, Le 6:14;
every sin offering of theirs; which was offered to make atonement for sin, which also belonged to the priests and their sons, excepting such whose blood was carried into the most holy place, Le 6:25;
and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me; which was offered for a trespass committed; what remained of this also, when burnt on the altar, was eaten by the priest and his sons, Le 7:5; and this sacrifice was a ram, when a trespass was committed, either in the holy things of the Lord, or in wrongs done to men, Le 5:15; Jarchi interprets it of an offering for a trespass committed by rapine or violence to a stranger: these, all of them, it is added,
[shall be] most holy for thee and for thy sons; for their use, and for theirs only.
Numbers 18:10
Ver. 10. In the most holy [place] shalt thou eat it,.... Not in the holy of holies, eminently so called, nor in the holy place, for they were neither of them places to eat in; but in the tent of the congregation, as Aben Ezra, or court, as Jarchi; called most holy, in distinction from and in comparison of the camp of Israel, and their tents, as afterwards of Jerusalem, and their houses there, where they might not eat the most holy things:
every male shall eat it; the sons of priests, and they only, not their wives, nor their daughters, and therefore not to be eaten at home, or in their own houses:
it shall be holy unto thee; separated only for the use of him and his sons.
Numbers 18:11
Ver. 11. And this [is] thine,.... What follow, which appertained to the priests, are the less or lighter holy things:
the heave offering of their gift: the right shoulder, given to the priest for an heave offering of the sacrifices of peace offerings, Le 7:32; according to Jarchi, it was what was lifted up or heaved from the thank offering, the peace offerings, and the ram of the Nazarites, see Le 7:14;
with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel; which were waved to and fro before the Lord, as the breast of the peace offerings, called therefore the wave breast, Le 7:30;
I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever; for these were to be eaten in their own houses, and by their families, wives, children, and servants bought with their money, or born in their houses; but not hired servants, nor sojourners, nor strangers; nor their daughters married to strangers though, if widows, or divorced, and without children, and returned to their father's house, they might eat of them, Le 22:10; thus a provision was made for the maintenance of the priests of the Lord and their families, until the Messiah should come; who has also appointed that they that preach the Gospel should live of it, 1Co 9:13;
everyone that is clean in thy house shall eat of it: that was clean in a ceremonial sense; had not touched a dead body, &c.; Jarchi says, this is said to comprehend his wife; but that might be concluded from what is said before, for if his children, much more might his wife eat of it.
Numbers 18:12
Ver. 12. All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat,.... Or the "fat" {i} of them; the fat of anything being the best, see De 32:14;
the firstfruits of them: the oil, and wine, and wheat:
which they shall offer unto the Lord, them have I given thee; this Jarchi calls the great heave offering, the firstfruits of their harvest and vintage, which being offered to the Lord, was given to the priests: the quantity is not fixed, but left to the generosity of the people, and was a free gift; liberal men would give a fortieth part, those of a meaner spirit a fiftieth, and niggardly ones a sixtieth, and less than that was not given See Gill on "Ex 22:29"; compare with this
Eze 45:13.
{i} blx "pinguedinem", Pagninus, Montanus, &c.;
Numbers 18:13
Ver. 13. [And] whatsoever is first ripe in the land,.... Of any other sort of fruit, figs, pomegranates, apples, plums, pears, &c.; besides olives and vines;
which they shall bring unto the Lord, shall be thine; which they shall bring in a basket to the tabernacle, where it was, or to the temple, when built: this the priests were to have, see De 26:2;
everyone that is clean in thine house shall eat of it;
See Gill on "Nu 18:11".
Numbers 18:14
Ver. 14. Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. Fields, houses, cattle, &c.; if absolutely devoted to the Lord, they were the priest's; but if devoted to certain uses, they were appropriated to those uses, as the repairs of the temple, &c.; see Le 27:1.
Numbers 18:15
Ver. 15. Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh,.... The firstborn of every creature:
which they bring unto the Lord; as they were obliged, he claiming it as his own, Ex 13:2;
[whether it be] of men or beasts, shall be thine; every firstborn of either, being the Lord's, became the priest's by his gift:
nevertheless, the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem; that is, take the redemption price for it, which was five shekels, as in
Nu 18:16; for the original proprietor was, strictly speaking, the redeemer, and paid the money, and the priest was the receiver, to whom it was paid; see Ex 13:13;
and the firstlings of unclean beasts shall thou redeem