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John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible.
Numbers 15:1
In this chapter the children of Israel are instructed about the meat offerings and drink offerings, and the quantities of them, which were always to go along with their burnt offerings and peace offerings they should offer when they came into the land of Canaan, Nu 15:1; and they are told that the same laws and ordinances would be binding equally on them that were of the country, and on the strangers in it,
Nu 15:13; and an order is given them to offer a cake of the first dough for an heave offering, Nu 15:17; and they are directed what sacrifices to offer for sins of ignorance, both of the congregation and particular persons, Nu 14:22; but as for presumptuous sinners, they were to be cut off, Nu 14:30; and an instance is recorded of stoning a sabbath breaker, Nu 14:32; and the chapter is concluded with a law for wearing fringes on the borders of their garments, the use of which is expressed, Nu 14:35.
Ver. 1. The Lord spake unto Moses,.... After the murmurings of the Israelites by reason of the spies, Nu 14:2; and their being threatened with a consumption of them in the wilderness on that account,
Nu 14:12; and their defeat at Hormah, Nu 14:45: and lest their posterity should be discouraged, and despair of ever enjoying the good land:
saying; as follows.
Numbers 15:2
Ver. 2. Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,.... The younger sort of them, such as were under twenty years of age; for those of that age and upwards, who had murmured against the Lord, had been assured by him with an oath that they should die in the wilderness, and not see the land of Canaan, Nu 14:29; whereas those Moses is here bid to speak to were such that should possess it:
when ye come into the land of your habitations, which I give unto,
you; the land of Canaan, the grant of which is here renewed to them, and an assurance given of their coming into it and settlement in it; and that they should have dwelling places there for their several tribes and families.
Numbers 15:3
Ver. 3. And will make an offering by fire unto the Lord, a burnt offering,.... The first of these respects such offerings by fire, which were not wholly burnt, but part of them were eaten by the priests, De 18:1; and the latter such as were wholly burnt, unless the latter can be thought to be only an explanation of the former:
or a sacrifice in performing a vow, or in a freewill offering; these were peace offerings, some of which were for thanksgiving, and others were either a vow or a freewill offering, as here: see Le 7:11;
or in your solemn feasts; as the passover, pentecost, &c.; of which, and the offerings in them, see Le 23:4;
to make a sweet savour unto the Lord; for acceptance with him:
of the herd or of the flock; a bullock of the one, a lamb or kid of the goats of the other; fowls are not mentioned, because burnt offerings of them required no drink offerings {f}.
{f} Maimon. Maaseh Hakorbanot, c. 2. sect. 2.
Numbers 15:4
Ver. 4. Then shall he that offereth his offering unto the Lord,.... Be it of either kind before mentioned:
bring a meat offering of a tenth deal of flour, mingled with the fourth [part] of an hin of oil; this was made of the tenth part of an ephah, or of an omer of fine wheaten flour, which was the quantity of about three quarts; and which was mixed and macerated with the fourth part of an hin, or with a quart and more than half a pint of oil: see
Ex 29:40; rather this should be called a bread offering.
Numbers 15:5
Ver. 5. And the fourth [part] of an hin of wine,.... The same measure with the oil, and this was wine of the grapes, as the Targum of Jonathan; other sorts of wine might not be used for the purpose mentioned:
for a drink offering shalt thou prepare; with the meat offering, to go along with every burnt offering and peace offering; which, as they were the food of God and the provision of his house, it was proper there should be of every kind fit for an entertainment, as flesh, bread, and wine. These were to go
with the burnt offering or sacrifice, for one lamb; if there were more than one, then a greater quantity in proportion was required.
Numbers 15:6
Ver. 6. Or for a ram,.... Whether for a burnt offering or a peace offering; or rather and for a ram {g}, as many versions:
thou shalt prepare [for] a meat offering two tenth deals of flour mingled with the third [part] of an hin of oil: which was the quantity of six quarts of fine flour, and about three pints and a quarter of a pint of oil.
{g} Vid. Nold. Concord. Ebr. part. p. 4. No. 24. so R. Jonah in Ben Melech in loc.
Numbers 15:7
Ver. 7. And for a drink offering thou shalt offer a third [part] of an hin of wine,.... The same quantity of wine was to be used in the drink offering as of oil in the meat offering, Nu 15:4:
[for] a sweet savour unto the Lord, that it might be acceptable to him.
Numbers 15:8
Ver. 8. And when thou preparest a bullock [for] a burnt offering,.... Which was a larger offering, and required a larger meat offering and drink offering, as Nu 15:9 show:
or [for] a sacrifice in performing a vow or peace offerings unto the Lord; by which latter are meant freewill offerings; for though both sorts here mentioned were peace offerings, yet these were more particularly called so.
Numbers 15:9
Ver. 9. Then shall he bring with a bullock a meat offering,.... Much larger than either for a lamb or ram, even one consisting
of three tenth deals of flour; or nine quarts of it:
mingled with half an hin of oil; two quarts and a pint, and somewhat more.
Numbers 15:10
Ver. 10. And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine,.... The same quantity as of oil, and a little more:
[for] an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the Lord: this, according to Jarchi, refers only to the meat offering and the oil: for the wine was not a fire offering, not being put upon the fire.
Numbers 15:11
Ver. 11. Thus shall it be done for one bullock,.... Such a quantity of flour and oil for the meat offering, and such a quantity of wine for the drink offering as before expressed; making no difference between one young or old:
or for a ram: which, Jarchi says, was thirteen months and one day old:
or for a lamb, or a kid; for a young one of the flock, whether of the sheep or goat, whether a lamb or a kid of the goats; which, according to Jarchi, were within a year, not a year old.
Numbers 15:12
Ver. 12. According to the number that ye shall prepare, so shall ye do to everyone, according to their number. That is, in proportion to the number of the cattle, be they of which sort they would, should be the quantity of the meat and drink offerings.
Numbers 15:13
Ver. 13. All that are born of the country shall do these things after this manner,.... Meaning that all Israelites should with their sacrifices bring their meat and drink offerings of the quantity directed to as above:
in offering an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the Lord; when they offered any burnt offerings or peace offerings: the Jews say, that all sacrifices, whether of the congregation or of a private person, require drink offerings, excepting the firstborn, the tithes, the passover, the sin offering, and the trespass offering; but the sin offering of the leper, and his trespass offering, require them {h}: the Targum of Jonathan is,
"all that are born in Israel, and not among the people, shall make these drink offerings thus;''
for though an uncircumcised Gentile might bring burnt offerings and peace offerings, yet not meat offerings and drink offerings with them;
See Gill on "Le 22:18"; only such as were proselytes of righteousness, as in Nu 15:14.
{h} Misn. Menachot, c. 9. 6.
Numbers 15:14
Ver. 14. And if a stranger sojourn with you,.... A stranger, or proselyte, not of the gate, but of righteousness, as Ben Gersom and the Jewish, writers in general interpret it;
or whatsoever [be] among you in your generations; whether such a proselyte settled and continued among them, or only stayed with them awhile:
and will offer an offering made by fire of a sweet savour unto the Lord; is desirous of offering a burnt offering or a peace offering to the Lord in an acceptable manner:
as ye do, so shall he do; bring the same meat offering and drink offering, according to the nature and number of the cattle he brings for sacrifice.
Numbers 15:15
Ver. 15. One ordinance [shall be both] for you of the congregation,.... Or "O congregation" {i}, as Ben Melech, and so the Targum of Jonathan, "O whole congregation"; though Aben Ezra denies it to be vocative:
and also for the stranger that sojourneth [with you]; the same ordinance, statute, or appointment, respecting the above things, were equally binding on one side as on the other, an homeborn Israelite and a proselyte of righteousness:
an ordinance for ever in your generations; to be observed by them, one and the other, in all ages, until the Messiah came and abolished the law of commandments contained in ordinances:
as ye [are] so shall the stranger be before the Lord; not in things civil, but religious, and particularly with respect to the above sacrifices and offerings: Ben Gersom and Aben Ezra say this respects the burnt offering only, which was before the Lord.
{i} lhqh "O Congregatio", Noldius, p. 237. No. 1077.
Numbers 15:16
Ver. 16. One law, and one manner,.... One law respecting these sacrifices, and one manner of offering them; one and the same precept to be observed, and one and the same judgment or punishment inflicted in case of non-observance:
shall be for you, and the stranger that sojourneth with you; for Israelites and proselytes; which is said to invite and encourage the latter, and may have a distant view to the calling of the Gentiles in Gospel times, when there should be no difference between Jews and Gentiles called by grace in matters of religion, but would be one in Christ, Ga 3:28.
Numbers 15:17
Ver. 17. And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... Or continued to speak to him; for the following law was given at the same time as those before:
saying; as follows.
Numbers 15:18
Ver. 18. Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them,.... Who only were bound to observe the following law concerning the cake of the first dough, Nu 15:20, and not Gentiles; so the Jews say {k}, the dough of a Gentile is free from the cake, though an Israelite kneads it:
when ye come into the land whither I bring you; the land of Canaan: this is another assurance of their possession of the land of Canaan, notwithstanding what had been threatened; in Nu 15:2; it is only said, "which I give unto you", but here, "whither I bring you"; assuring them, that as he had given it unto them, he would certainly introduce them into it. The Jews from hence gather, that they are not bound to observe this precept concerning the cake by the law, but in the land of Israel only, and when all Israel are there; wherefore at this time, and even in the days of Ezra, it is separated only by the words of the Scribes; and the reason of it is, that this law might not be forgotten by the Israelites {l}: there were three countries that were bound to bring the cake, according to the Misnah {m}.
{k} Schulchan Aruch, par. 2. c. 330. sect. 1. {l} Schulchan Aruch, par. 2. c. 322. sect. 2, 3. {m} Misn. Challah, c. 4. sect. 8. 10.
Numbers 15:19
Ver. 19. Then it shall be, that when ye eat of the bread of the land,.... Of the land of Canaan; when they were about to eat of it, before they actually did; when they were preparing for it, had ground their corn into flour, and had mixed it with water and kneaded it into dough, in order to bake it and make it fit for food; by bread is meant bread corn, such as was the old corn of the land the Israelites first ate of when they entered into it, Jos 5:11; the Targum of Jonathan adds,
"not of rice, or millet, or pulse,''
but what was made of corn used for bread; and the Jews say {n}, there were five things only they were obliged to make the cake of, wheat, barley, "cusmin" or rye, fox ear (barley), and oats; and this is to be understood only of dough made for men's bread, and not for dogs or any other beast {o}:
ye shall offer up an heave offering unto the Lord; and what that is, is expressed in Nu 15:20.
{n} Misn. Challah, c. 1. sect. 1. {o} Schulchan Aruch, ut supra, (par. 2.) c. 330. sect. 8, 9.
Numbers 15:20
Ver. 20. Ye shall offer up a cake of the first of your dough [for] an heave offering,.... Of the first dough made of the first corn that was threshed, winnowed and ground, they were to make a cake, and offer it an heave offering unto the Lord; the quantity of it is not expressed, but was left to the people's generosity; no stinted measure was fixed by the law; but according to the Scribes, or the traditions of the elders, the quantity of the cake was the twenty fourth part of the first dough that was kneaded; not the forty fourth, as Buxtorf {p} through mistake says; so the Targum of Jonathan,
"of the first of your dough, one out of twenty four (i.e. the twenty fourth part of it), ye shall separate a separation for the priests,''
with which agrees the Misnah {q}, though according to that, if made to sell publicly it was the forty eighth part of it. Some, because
Nu 15:21 begins and ends with m, "mem", which numerically signifies "forty", think this is an instruction to a bountiful person to give the fortieth part {r}:
as [ye do] the heave offering of the threshing floor, so shall ye heave it; as the two wave loaves and firstfruits of their harvest,
Le 23:16.
{p} Synagog. Jud. c. 34. p. 602. {q} Challah, c. 2. sect. 7. so Schulchan Aruch, par. 2. c. 322. so Jarchi & Ben Gersom in loc. {r} Baal Hatturim in loc.
Numbers 15:21
Ver. 21. Of the first of your dough shall ye give unto the Lord,.... As an acknowledgment of his being the sovereign Lord and possessor of heaven and earth, and of his being the owner and proprietor of the land of Canaan; and by way of thankfulness to him for the plenty of bread corn he had given them; and wherefore this cake was to he heaved or lifted up towards him in heaven, as follows:
an heave offering in your generations: for this respected not only the first time of their entrance into the land of Canaan, but was to be observed every year when they made their first dough, and was to continue as long as the ceremonial law lasted: this cake was anciently given to the priest, which is meant by giving it to the Lord, but now the Jews take it and cast it into the fire and burn it {s} the apostle seems to allude to this cake of the first dough in Ro 11:16.
{s} Buxtorf. ut supra, (Synagog. Jud. c. 34. p. 602.) & Leo Modena, History of the present Jews, par. 2. c. 9.
Numbers 15:22
Ver. 22. And if ye have erred,.... Gone astray from the law of God, and any of its precepts; every sin is an error, a missing of the mark, a wandering from the way of God's commandments. Jarchi, and the Jews in general, interpret this of idolatry, but it rather respects any deviation from the law, moral or ceremonial, especially the latter:
and not observed all these commandments which the Lord hath spoken unto Moses; in this chapter, more particularly concerning the meat offerings and drink offerings, and the quantity of them, to be brought along with their burnt offerings and peace offerings, and concerning the cake of the first dough to be heaved before the Lord and given to the priest.
Numbers 15:23
Ver. 23. [Even] all that the Lord hath commanded you by the hand of Moses,.... Recorded in this book and the two preceding, whether of a moral, ceremonial, or judicial kind; the whole body of laws given to the people of Israel from the Lord by Moses:
from the day that the Lord commanded [Moses], and henceforward among your generations; all that he had commanded, or should hereafter command.
Numbers 15:24
Ver. 24. Then it shall be, if [ought] be committed by ignorance,.... Of the law of God, not clearly understanding the meaning of it, or not knowing of the several precepts of it, and the circumstances of each, and the manner of performing obedience thereunto: