Northern Ministry of Christ
- Official's Son Healed
- Rejection in Nazareth
- Fishers of Men
- Demoniac in Synagogue
- Peters Mother-in-law Healed
- Christ Preaches in the Synagogues
- Christ Heals a Leper
- Christ Cures a Paralytic
- Christ calls Matthew
- Man Healed at Pool
- Christ is Lord of the Sabbath
- Man's Hand Healed on the Sabbath
- Christ Names His 12 Disciples
- Christ Heals the Multitude
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Christ Heals a Centurion's Servant
- Christ Rebukes three Cities
- Christ Dines with a Pharisee
- Christ Preaches in Simon's Boat
- The Parable of the Sower
- The Tares and the Wheat
- The Parable of the Leaven
- The Mustard Seed
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Christ Calms the Stormy Sea
- Christ Casts Legion Out of Man
- Girl is Raised from Death and a Woman Healed
- Christ feeds 5000
- Christ Walks on Water
- Traditions of Men Rebuked
- Christ Feeds 4000
- A Blind Man is Cured
- Christ Predicts His Death
- The Transfiguration
- Christ Casts Out Dumb Spirit From Boy
- A Strong Man Armed
- The Coin in the Fishes Mouth
- Disciples Argue About Who is Greatest
- Parable of the Lost Sheep